Visual Meetings by David Sibbet
As L&D/OD professionals, we are called upon to either run meetings or facilitate one, where complex issues are aired & need is to facilitate clarity & outcomes. Many times we have to design & run workshops involving a large number of people. David Sibbet provides great ideas & strategies to make these meetings both productive and fun! This book provides a host of ideas to get a lot accomplished while facilitating collaboration & helping to get the best out of groups.
Illuminate: Ignite Change through Speeches, Stories, Ceremonies and Symbols by Nancy Duarte and Patti Sanchez
This book gives a unique concept that an organization’s change and growth has an underlying structure of an epic drama. This book is a great resource for any L&D/OD professional as we need to design & facilitate change initiatives on an ongoing basis. It’s also a treasure-trove of practical ideas, case studies & templates, which can be utilized for designing & facilitating transformative conferences and workshops for large group of people.
Flawless Consulting: A Guide to getting your expertise used by Peter Block
It is a masterpiece in the field of consulting. Whether as an L&D professional who serves as an internal consultant or as a practitioner who advises organizations, you will find this book as an invaluable aid. It’s a book about some of the most vexing issues we face when consulting to organizations – issues of resistance, truth, doubt, vulnerability, and accountability. Flawless Consulting will make a big difference in how you think about and work with clients.
Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World by Margaret J Wheatley
One of the key competencies that an OD professional needs to have is an ability to perceive systems-how they operate & the various interdependencies. Organizations are dynamic human systems. Margaret Wheatley uses the latest discoveries in field of Quantum physics, ecological biology & chaos theory to offer a dazzling new perspective on how Organizations work. This new relationship between business and science is nothing less than an entirely new set of lenses through which to view our organizations.
Telling Ain’t Training By Harold D. Stolovitch & Erica J Keeps
It is an entertaining and practical tour-de-force for every trainer and performance improvement professional. Telling Ain’t Training tackles the three universal and persistent questions of the profession-how do learners learn, why do learners learn, and how do you make sure that learning sticks. The key message of the book, underscored by both great examples and research studies, is that humans learn best through active mental engagement.